Wills and Will Planning

Many people delay writing their Will, but it is never too early to start planning for the future. A Will is one of the most important documents that you will ever make, and we can help you through that process in the comfort of your own home.

What is a Will?

A Will (or a Will and Last Testament) is a legal document which confirms your wishes regarding the distribution of your property and affairs upon your death. It also states who you have nominated to take care of any minor children you leave behind: these nominated persons are known as ‘Guardians’. Should you die without a Will, (a term known as Intestate) your wishes may not be followed. When a person dies without leaving a Will, their estate must be shared out according to certain rules known as ‘the rules of intestacy’, which is prescribed by government legislation. 

What happens if I die without a Will?

Some people worry that writing a Will could be complicated, whilst others don’t think it is very important and see it as an unnecessary cost. However, without a will, a number of problems could occur after you pass: 

  • You will have no control over where your assets end up. Your estate could therefore be inherited by someone you never intended or wanted it to go to. 
  • The people administering your estate will be chosen by the State, and they may be someone who you wouldn’t choose, or who isn’t capable to do this role. 
  • If you have young children and you haven’t nominated a Legal Guardian for them, you run the risk that your children will end up in care.

What can I put in a Will?

By making a Will you can:

  • Appoint people (called Executors) to carry out the terms of your Will.
  • Appoint Guardians you trust to look after your children.
  • Leave gifts of specific items or fixed sums of money.
  • Name the people or charities you want to benefit from your estate.
  • Include Trusts to help protect your assets for your spouse and your children's inheritance.


Appoint people (called Executors) to carry out the terms of your Will.
Appoint Guardians you trust to look after your children.


Leave gifts of specific items or fixed sums of money


Name the people or charities you want to benefit from your estate.


Include Trusts to help protect your assets for your children.

There's no need to wait - we can help you create a Will today!

What about home-made Wills?

Whilst this is a better option than no Will at all, a home-made Will can still have conciderable downsides. If it is not drafted or executed correctly, or does not address recent changes in the law, a homemade Will may result in an outcome similar to not making a Will at all. The fact is, there are many considerations and possible pitfalls when drafting a Will, tax implications being only one of them, which may not be readily apparent.

Get a professionally drafted Will

There are several organisations you can approach to make your Will. You need to ensure that whoever you instruct has the necessary expertise in all aspects of Will drafting and that they are qualified to advise you on the various elements of estate planning, as well as adhere to a professional code of conduct.

At Cohen Knights LLP, our team of professionals are qualified to provide the advice you need. As STEP members, we will act in accordance with the STEP code of Professional Conduct and abide by the STEP code for Will Preparation in England & Wales. This is a set of ethical principles that operate for the benefit of clients and demonstrate openly the commitment of STEP members to transparency and client service.

To learn more about our Will planning services, view our case studies here

For initial advice and guidance about making a Will, call our advisors in Norfolk and Suffolk on 0333 1300 509 or contact us online and we will help you.

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